The Shareholders’ Meeting of Fluorsid SpA, worldwide leader in manufacturing and sales of inorganic fluoroderivates, appointed today the new Board of Directors, which will remain in charge for 2024.
The Board of Directors is composed as follows: Tommaso Edoardo Giulini (Chairman), Lior Metzinger (Managing Director), Andrea Alessandro Muntoni, Daniele Tocco and Stefano Verna.
The Shareholders’ Meeting also appointed the new Board of Statutory Auditors, in charge from 2024 to 2026, composed as follows: Enrico Gaia (Chairman), Giuseppe Acciaro and Francesca Nocera (Permanent Auditors), Daniela Ruggiero and Michele Gaia (Substitute Auditors).
The statutory audit was entrusted for the three-year period 2024-2026 to BDO spa.
Fluorsid, established in 1969 in Sardinia, plays a key role in the primary aluminum industry, special steels and construction.